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The Best 5 Ways an Online 3D Customizer Can Elevate Your Company’s Online Presence

Creating a unique online presence is important if you want to stand out in today’s highly competitive digital marketplace. More and more customers like looking for something different when they shop online, and creating a personalized and engaging experience with an online 3D customizer like Kit Builder has become invaluable. Allowing customers to customize items and products in real-time with 3D visuals not only enhances their user experience but can also improve their company’s online presence.  Here’s how.

5 ways to elevate online presence:

1. Increased Engagement and Interaction

Online shopping is the norm for many people these days with the UK having nearly 60 million ecommerce users in 2023 alone! However making purchases based on static images offers minimal engagement for customers, and can lead to people feeling disconnected from your product. 3D customizers allow customers to interact with a product digitally, which can greatly improve their connection to it and your brand. Being able to customize, rotate, and manipulate a product is a much more rewarding experience for a customer compared to scrolling through static images.

An example could be a sports team using Kit Builder to design their sports kit. They can select their team colours, add flags, their logo, sponsor logos, and mascots as well as adding the player’s names and numbers. If a colour combination doesn’t quite work with a design, they can quickly change and experiment rather than waiting for proofs and changes.  Not only does this keep them on your site longer but allows them to develop a deeper emotional connection to the kit as they feel like it is already theirs.

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2. Enhanced Customer Experience

Giving your customers an elevated online experience is a great way to improve their relationship with your company.  Your reputation and online visibility play a large factor in your conversion rates, and giving your customers a good experience can really help boost this.

Positive experiences lead to repeat business and recommendations via reviews and word of mouth. By using an online 3D customizer your customers feel connected to their purchases as they have a part in designing the products and they feel more in control of the process.  By removing an element of uncertainty within the purchasing process you can significantly reduce cart abandonment as customers feel increased confidence in their decisions. A 3D customizer allows them to see the product change and be designed in real-time rather than with flat stylized visuals.

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3. Boosting Social Sharing and Viral Potential

Using a 3D customizer is a newer and more exciting way to shop digitally. Your customers are more likely to want to share their designs and experience with their friends and online. This gives you more exposure and can lead to free marketing.  User-generated content is a growing area of social media marketing that businesses are utilizing, as consumers don’t want to feel like companies are pushing products on them all the time. The use of peers to influence purchasing can take away some of the negative impact of aggressive marketing.

With 62.3% of the global population using social media, it has never been such a powerful tool in our digital marketplace. Here at Kit Builder, we recognize the importance this can have for your business and have integrated social sharing into our software. 

With Kit Builder, you and your clients can share and save designs with ease. We even have a branded marketing PDF that can be used for your own marketing, or for clients to download and share with their team and friends.

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 4. Improved SEO and Search Engine Rankings

Staying at the top of search engines can be a confusing and never-ending job. Improving your SEO is a welcomed and less talked about outcome of using a 3D customizer. Search engines prioritize websites that offer engaging content and good user experience. An interactive feature on your website, such as Kit Builder, leads to visitors spending longer interacting with your content which increases your site’s dwell time. This signals to search engines that your website is valuable, ranking it high when a customer types in your key search terms.

Adding a Kit Builder always adds a lot of content to your website with product titles, descriptions, categories, and much more. This is improving your SEO keywords and driving traffic to your site.

elevate online presence by improving seo

5. Differentiating Your Brand

The market is growing day by day, so it’s important to stand out where we can. Adding a 3D customizer, like Kit Builder helps to differentiate your brand from your competitors and increase your online presence.

Being established as an innovative and forward thinking company can also help your relationships outside of customers. People are likely to seek you out to develop their business relationships with your company if they see you are offering experiences that are different from the industry standard.  This can lead to exposure at events and shows, spotlights and interviews, or people linking your content to their own. All of this increases your online presence which can drive traffic to your site.


A 3D customizer is a powerful tool and is a great asset to any customization company looking to expand their online presence. The internet is vast and growing by the second so it is important that we actively look for ways to stand out online and drive traffic. Offering an interactive, fun tool to your site can help boost engagement, increase satisfaction, and improve your rate of return. Not only that, it also reduces your workload and frees up time for you to work on other areas of your business!

3D Customizers are not just a trend. Investing in one is a smart way to future-proof your brand in an increasingly digital world.

If you would like to learn more about Kit Builder and speak to our team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or book a demo. We’d love to see how Kit Builder can elevate your online presence. 

Or maybe you want to check out Kit Builder today and try it for yourself:

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