Kit Builder Solutions
Customised to your needs.
Pick the perfect 3D Customizer package for your teams needs:
from: £75pm
+Set Up Fee
Perfect for small businesses with limited products
- Maximum of 10 products
- Strong Knowledge base
- Access to Video Training Library
from: £100pm
+Set Up Fee
Everything in Essential, plus:
- Unlimited Products
- Quote based system
- Advanced Features
from: £125pm
+Set Up Fee
Everything in Professional, plus:
- eCommerce integration
- Production PDF
- Multiple pricing systems
Print Production
on request
Everything in eCommerce, plus:
- Print Ready Files
- Multi-Sized Outputs
- Illustrator plugin to help set up
on request
Custom Kit Builder to support your business
- All Kit Builder features
- Custom Dev Requests
- Kit Builder, Your Way!
Unsure which Kit Builder is right for you? Chat with our team:
Overview of what’s included:
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Recommended | Print Ready Files | |||||
Essential | Professional | eCommerce | Print Production | Enterprise |
Core Features: | ||||||
Starter Pack
Each Kit Builder comes with a starter pack of 10 products, each with 6 designs.
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Create Products
Add, and edit products to your Kit Builder to showcase what you are selling.
| 10 | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited | unlimited | |
Split your products into categories and subcategories with ease – you can even add products to multiple categories!
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Test Site
Each Kit Builder comes with a test site so you can see the products and test them before going live
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Company Profile
Set up your profile to include your name, logo, website, and more. This information is applied throughout Kit Builder and is easy to change if needed.
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Advanced Setting Controls
Control settings such as navigation and controls for the customize page from your Company Profile.
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Activate / Deactivate Products
Activate and deactivate products and customization with the click of a button.
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Set up multiple language files and apply your chosen one to your live distributor! This can also be used to change the wording of buttons to match your brand!
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User-upload image options
Customers can uplod their logs/images in: Jpeg, PNG, PDF, AI ,EPS & SVG
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Tag System
Tag any information on your Kit Builder to quickly filter information! This is great if you have multiple distributors on the same Kit Builder.
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Custom Data
Add custom data to your product.
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Additional Distributors
Add extra Kit Builder Feeds (additional cost), control Feed Access, and get Feed Code for quote system.
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User-upload custom text options
Create and upload your own fonts.
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User-Customize Colour and Text of vector clipart
Create and upload your own vector clipart galleries.
Customization: | ||||||
Product Steps
The form visible to the customer can be split up over several pages, or steps. Each field will fall under one of these steps.
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Product Designs
These designs are variations of each product and are mainly used for color variations. Each design has its own set of unique fields.
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Product and Design Fields
Fields are how you add customization to a product on Kit Builder. Product fields are unique to each product and apply to all designs of this product. Design fields apply only to the design they are added to.
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Data Sources
Data Sources are a list of options a customer can pick from. They can be colors, fonts, models, and more!
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Colour Tile Pickers
Create a list of color options for your customers to choose from. You can make multiple data sources and apply them where and how you want.
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Logo Editors
Customers can upload their own logos to their Kit. They can then move, rotate and scale them. The best bit – you can control the level of customization they can have and how many logos they can add!
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Text Editors
Customers can add their own custom text to a product. You can decide if this text can be moved, rotated, and scaled. You can also control the color and font options as well as if you want an outline option available.
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Choose from a selection of google fonts or upload your own font files to give your customers the best options!
| Google Fonts | Google and Custom Fonts | Google and Custom Fonts | Google and Custom Fonts | Google and Custom Fonts | |
Grouped Items
If the basket is empty these designs are automatically added to the basket with this product.
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Related Items
Show a list of related products on the customize page.
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Show a list of cross-sells on the customize page the customer can select to add to their Kit Builder cart. Products are added after clicking Finish. Overrides Grouped Items.
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Quote Form Sizes
Add size options for Quote products.
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Options Effecting Options
Create fields that change depending on the option selected on a previous field.
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This is a text identifier that will help different features work, they can be used on clipart, custom fonts, and data sources.
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These are vector or bitmap images that users can scale and move around the 3D models. You can also add color customizations to personalize the graphic.
Ordering: | ||||||
Request A Quote Button
A Request a Quote button allows your customers to fill out and submit a quote for you to process.
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Custom Forms
Customize the forms of your Kit Builder with ease – pick from a range of options such as text areas, emails, checkboxes, and dropdowns.
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The submissions area of your Kit Builder stores all the forms that have been submitted via quotes, eCommerce, or pdf downloads. You can manage these from this area and find all the order information.
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Buy Now Button
Used on eCommerce Kit Builders this button takes a customer straight through to your payment system.
Design Outputs: | ||||||
Submission Section
All customer designs submissions are foud in the Kit Builder Admin Submission section. .
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Marketing PDF per submission
A Marketing PDF is a multi-page document that can be downloaded via Kit Builder. It showcases the designed products for both your customers and yourself.
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Production PDF
A Production PDF has all the information relating to the current order, with all designs, logos, order information and specs on. Handy to pass to your production team ..
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Multi Size Print File
Set up products that have multi-sized, print-ready files. These products can be set up so that the designs, logos, and text scale across the sizes in a range of different ways.
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Production Zip Print Auto
Use the Kit Builder handy zip file configurator, to create the output you need and have it delivered where you need it, the print que!
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PDF, RGB Output
Outputs a PDF print file in RGB.
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SVG, RGB Output
Outputs an SVG print file in RGB.
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PDF, CMYK Output
Outputs a PDF print file in CMYK.
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PNG, Slice Output
Outputs a PNG print file in PNG, Slice .
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Production Output Config Editor
For each distributor, you can configure which output files are generated.
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Queue up job on Add to Cart
Automatically create a job when the user Adds to Cart.
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Queue up job on Order Create
Automatically create a job when the user creates an order.
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Queue up job on Order Paid
Automatically create a job when the user pays for an order.
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Illustrator Plugin
Various functions to help with uploading multi-size for print to Kit Builder.
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Approval System
The aproveal system lets, suppliers and customers approve the artwork befor the final print files are generated .
eCommerce: | ||||||
Buy Now Button
Buy Now takes a customer straight through to your payment system.
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Team Details
Create a data source of sizes available for each product. Team details can be customized to be quantities only on the front end, with the use of a spreadsheet to collect the customization (names and numbers) required for each size. Or it can be a form on the Kit Builder journey where customers fill in sizes, names, numbers, and other customization.
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Cart Pricing
Cart Price only works if your Kit Builder is set up as Aggregate Pricing. This is a set price for each element of your product. You can set cart pricing per product or design if they are different. You can also add a cart price to data source fields to add in additional costs for customization options.
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Simple Tiered Pricing
This allows you to create a tiered pricing system that changes the price depending on how many of a product are ordered.
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Downloadable SVG
A browser PDF of the product is produced with an eCommerce order. This is not a print-ready file.
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Allows you to view all orders tracked in Kit Builder.
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All the customers who've logged in to your Kit Builder can be found in the customers' area. You can see their details, designs they have made, orders placed, and form replies submitted.
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Production PDF per Submission
A Production PDF with all designs order information and specs on to pass to your production team.
3D Features: | ||||||
Product Aspects
Configure different ways to view a product. e.g. reversible garments with different 3D models, or showing a different 3D model on a different step.
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Show your garments on a person or in action by adding a 3D model to use as an avatar.
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3D Advanced Controls
Free rotation of the 3D model. This allows you to see the top and bottom of the garment and move the model around the viewing box.
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Toggle Print & 3D Veiws
Toggle between a view of your 3D model or a view of the print file on the front end of Kit Builder.
Share and Save: | ||||||
Email basket to Friends
Easily email a preview of your baskets to friends by filling out a short form.
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Social Media Buttons
Add social media buttons to your Kit Builder to allow your customers to share their designs.
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My Design Button
All designs made by a customer are auto-saved to their ‘My Designs’ area so they never have to fear losing their progress. From this area, you can go back to the customization page, get a quote, download PDFs and share with others.
Support and Devlopment: | ||||||
Find out about all the latest Kit Builder Announcements, in the Announcements section;
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Knowledge Base
An extensive collection of articles and help guides in a mix of text and video format to help you get the best out of your Kit Builder.
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Support Packages
A range of support packages are available if you would like more support from our team.
| Add-On | |||||
Custom Dev Requests
Request our Dev team to make changes to the features of Kit Builder or add new ones to ensure Kit Builder works for you!
Add Ons
As well as selecting from our standard Kit Builder 3D Customizer Packages, you can also add a range of Add-Ons.
These are available for all Kit Builder 3D Customizer Packages, however, you’ll need to add on eCommerce to unlock the others!
Locker Room:
Customers can create an account and save items to their Locker Room to revisit at a later time.
| Add-On | Add-On | ||||
Save to Locker Room
Save designs to Locker Room with ease. Customers can come back to a design at a later point to make their purchase without losing their design or they can reorder previous Kit with the click of a button.
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Locker Room Categories
Sort Locker Room products in to categories and subcategories to keep designs organised!
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Customer Log In Area
Customers can create an account and access their Locker Room.
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Marketing PDF from Locker Room
Download a marketing PDF of items saved into Locker Room.
Squad Stores:
Squad Stores is a new Kit Builder product that allows you to create multiple squad stores for your clients. They can simply log on to the correct store, change their personalization of the set designs in their store and check out as normal. Perfect for sports teams, merch drops and so much more!
| Add-On | Add-On | |||
Create a Squad Store
You can create and add custom team stores with Squad Stores.
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Open and close stores
Set an Open and Close date, for each store. To add a time limit for product releases.
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Design Squad products, using Kit Builder.
Use Kit Builder products you already have set up to fill your Squad Stores. It's so simple.
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DYO Facility
Let your customers download a product template form their Squad Store, add their own design to it. Then reupload it and see their design in 3D
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Hidden Stores
Hide a store from the front end of your website. So only squad members can acess it with a direct link to their store.
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Squad Details Upload
Upload a whole teams details at once. Name, Number and initals, you can even preview all individual squad players details in 3D, before purchase.
White Label:
Our white label solution allows you to Remove Kit Builder branding.
| Add-On |